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Our Story

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The story of the Junction Church so far…

The Junction Church doesn’t have a 20 or 30 year history. Our church was pioneered in 2012. Scroll down and find out more about our journey….

Our Story 

Our Story 

Our Story 

Our Story 

Our Story 

Our Story 

As you can probably imagine, there’s a lot more to our story than this short summary below. However, here’s a little snippet of how our church came about…

The Junction Church started from scratch in 2012. A couple of ordained pastors called Roy & Lydia Todd had a heart to pioneer a fresh church community where people who don’t normally attend church could encounter God’s good news. Their passion was to create a church fam that would be down to earth and relevant to every day life, hence the name ‘The Junction Church’. 

The early years of the Junction Church involved slow growth. Very slow growth. Sometimes, there was no growth at all. In fact, some years, there were fewer people than the previous year! But the thing is, this has never been about growing a big church. The heart and vision has always been about growing bigger people. That remains our heart to this very day.

Today, the Junction Church is a growing and diverse community with a rich variety of people from different backgrounds and experiences – all on a journey to follow Jesus. This makes it a unique and exciting place to be. There are around 50 nationalities represented in our church fam, and we think this is not only healthy, but it enriches the faith of everybody who calls this church ‘home’.

Everybody is welcome at the Junction Church. We mean that. We don’t claim to be free of flaws and challenges. However, our heart is to create a healthy church community where people can get planted and flourish.

Roy & Lydia still lead the Junction Church today. However, they have raised up a large team of leaders who oversee the growing ministry of the church. They are all outstanding.

If you’re interested in being part of our church, then the best intro is to come along to one of our Sunday services. Be sure to hang around for tea, coffee and snacks afterwards and ask questions about how you can get connected. We are here to help and we’ll do everything we can to ensure you feel at home.


Get in touch!